
Penhaligon’s Roaring Radcliff EDP


Penhaligon’s Roaring Radcliff EDP

1 in stock


Being secretly the son of Lord George and Clandestine Clara certainly explains Radcliff’s weakness for the flesh, but his illegitimacy may have its advantages. Unburdened by title or propriety, Radcliff indulges in fast cars and even faster women – his raison d’̻tre parties and provocation. A prominent note with Roaring Radcliff is of course tobacco – strong, smoky and distinctive to his set.

He also always carries with him gingerbread – adding its sweet spiciness to his father’s love of liquor – in Rutherford’s rum. Sexy and rebellious – what well-bred girl would not succumb to his charmÌÊ As he is wont to whisper in their inclining ears?? The night is young??




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